Tuesday 23 June 2015

Found XSS vulnerability in Manage Engine Asset Explorer v6.1.

ManageEngine Asset Explorer v6.1 - XSS Vulnerability



Product & Service Introduction (Taken from their homepage):
ManageEngine AssetExplorer is a web-based IT Asset Management (ITAM) software that helps you monitor and manage assets in your network from Planning phase to Disposal phase. AssetExplorer provides you with a number of ways to ensure discovery of all the assets in your network. You can manage software & hardware assets, ensure software license compliance and track purchase orders & contracts - the whole nine yards! AssetExplorer is very easy to install and works right out of the box.
(Homepage: https://www.manageengine.com/products/asset-explorer/ )

Abstract Advisory Information:
Cross site scripting attack can be performed on the manage engine asset explorer. If the 'publisher' name contains vulnerable script, it gets executed in the browser.

Affected Products:
Manage Engine
Product: Asset Explorer - Web Application 6.1.0 (Build 6112)

Severity Level:

Technical Details & Description:
  1. Add a vendor with a script in it to the registry.
  2. Login to the product.
  3. Scan the endpoint where the registry is modified.
  4. In the right pane, go to software->Scanned Software
  5. The script gets executed.
Vulnerable Product(s):
Manage Engine Asset Explorer

Affected Version(s):
Version 6.1.0 / Build Number 6112
(Earlier versions i did not test)

Vulnerability Type(s):
Persistent Cross Site Scripting

Add the following registry entry in the machine, for targeted attack.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"DisplayName"="A fake software 2 installed"
"UninstallString"="C:\\Program Files\\fake\\uninst.exe"
"Publisher"="<script> alert(\"XSS\"); </script>"

Security Risk:

Credits & Authors:
Suraj Krishnaswami (suraj.krishnaswami@gmail.com)

Discovered at Wed, March 3, 2015
Informed manage engine about the vulnerability: March 4, 2015
Case moved to development team: March 4, 2015
Asked for updates: March 9, 2015
Asked for updates: March 13, 2015
Asked for updates: April 14, 2015
Public Disclosure at Mon, June 22, 2015


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